Seasonal Awards
Seasonal Competitions
One Round (pre-recorded video accepted)
Season 1 - Deadline in June
Season 2 - Deadline in September
Season 3 - Deadline in December
Season 4 - Deadline in March
Season 1-4 Awards
All candidates will receive an e-certificate and a performance report from adjudicators (digital format). The jury members will award prizes via online video screening. Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Prizes may be awarded in each category according to the jury's marks. Special prizes may also be awarded to candidates who showcase a unique aspect of themselves in their video performance.

(mark 96-100)
Platinum Prize winners will receive:
E-certificate (*special edition)
Performance Report from Adjudicators (*digital format)
Featured Video and Name Displayed in Hall of Champions
Six Award Points
Performance opportunity in LYM mid-season online concert in October 2023
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Platinum Prize winners will be qualified to enter Musician of the Year« directly (newly recorded video required).

(mark 70-79)
Bronze Prize winners will receive:
Performance Report from Adjudicators (*digital format)
One Award Point
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Winners of Master, Young Master, Chamber Music and Concerto Categories will gain an extra point ⭐. Points can be used for World Ranking« or entering Musician of the Year«.

winning 2 or more platinum/gold/silver/bronze prizes under different instruments (*in the same season)
All Round Musician Award winners will receive:
A special edition e-certificate
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Collect 6 award points to enter Musician of the Year«

(mark 90-95)
Gold Prize winners will receive:
Performance Report from Adjudicators (*digital format)
Featured Video and Name Displayed in the Hall of Champions
Five Award Points
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Winners of Master, Young Master, Chamber Music and Concerto Categories will gain an extra point ⭐. Points can be used for World Ranking« or entering Musician of the Year«.

(jury panel nominations)
Special Prize winners will receive:
One Award Point
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Special Prizes including Fantastic Technique, Expressive Performance, Characteristic Performance, Excellent Teamwork and Stylish Video.

winning seasonal Award Points ranking top 5
The Ranking Top 1 winners will receive:
Performance opportunity in LYM mid-season online concert in October 2023
Featured Post on Social Media (*Facebook and Instagram)
The Ranking Top 5 winners will receive:
A special edition e-certificate
Name Displayed in World Ranking
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Collect 6 award points to enter Musician of the Year«

(mark 80-89)
Silver Prize winners will receive:
Performance Report from Adjudicators (*digital format)
Three Award Points
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Winners of Master, Young Master, Chamber Music and Concerto Categories will gain an extra point ⭐. Points can be used for World Ranking« or entering Musician of the Year«.

winning 2 or more gold prizes under the same instrument (*in the same season)
Versatile Musician Award winners will receive:
A special edition e-certificate
Chance to Order Paper Certificate and Trophy (*additional cost)
*Collect 6 award points to enter Musician of the Year«